About Us
What is Offered
The hope of Flourish Fertility is to offer compassionate fertility counseling and education to those in need. This is done through teaching women to track their cycle using the Creighton Model System. We look at the biomarkers our body gives us to indicate fertility, infertility, and our general health. Through personalized support and insightful guidance, our desire is for women to better understand their bodies.
What is the Creighton Model System?
Every woman has a right to know how her body works. Through years of research, this method was developed to help give women confidence in learning what their bodies are telling them. This system relies on standardized observation and charting of biological markers that give understanding to a woman's fertility and health. These biomarkers give information to know when a couple is fertile or infertile, as well as indicating any abnormalities in a woman's health. Working with Flourish Fertility can assist in identifying YOUR unique cycle and health patterns!
Who is this for?
Health and Wellness
This system can benefit single women or any woman who desires to learn about their bodies. Tracking one’s cycle can give valuable information through showing months of patterns, rather than just one point in time. Our bodies are often trying to tell us something, and learning how to track our biomarkers gives us the ability to listen, learn, and take next steps toward healing! Learning this method can help to identify the root cause behind reproductive issues such as PCOS, endometriosis, irregular bleeding, hormonal imbalances, and more!
Family Planning
This system is beneficial for those hoping to avoid pregnancy, but not interested in added artificial hormones or barrier methods. It has proven to be up to 99% effective in avoiding pregnancy naturally when used properly. For women who are postpartum, learning this method can help to space future pregnancies in a way that is most helpful for their families. Working with Flourish Fertility empowers women, giving confidence in knowing days of fertility or infertility in order to make an informed decision as a couple, whether their goal is to avoid OR to achieve a pregnancy.
Too many women feel discouraged, overwhelmed, and alone in their fertility journey. The desire to grow one’s family is God given and rooted deep within. Our hope with Flourish Fertility is to come alongside these women to provide care, encouragement, and deeper understanding. We have a network of Napro Medical Consultants that can help couples get to the root cause - the “why” behind their infertility struggles. Through tracking with Creighton, patterns are seen, which gives doctors the information needed to further diagnose and treat. Flourish Fertility desires to truly care for these couples and to help them find answers and healing.
Our Services
Introductory Sessions
Follow Up Sessions
Long Term Follow Ups
Resources and Referrals
Pregnancy Evaluations